
I consider the work that I am privileged to be able to do with women on a breast cancer journey, a sacred calling. It is my intention to make the dignity and respect of every woman I work with, the number one priority. I provide a positive, compassionate, supportive, and accepting environment for you to explore your feelings and find your way.

Our work together will expand your vision and awareness, and help you to reconnect with yourself and others at a deeper level. We will increase your sense of community and belonging, while focusing on your successes, strengths and personal resources.


Individual Counselling

60 minute sessions – $140

90 minute sessions – $210

Counselling provides a supportive environment within which you will:

  • receive guidance from someone who has successfully navigated a similar journey;
  • discover, and celebrate your magnificence;
  • learn how to thrive, no matter what is going on in your life;
  • create a new life that you love.

Please use the contact form at the bottom of the page to book a complimentary 30 minute consultation where we can determine if we would be a good match to work together.


Contact me here to ask any questions or to book a complimentary 30 minute consultation:


The first things that come to me every time is how SAFE, ACCEPTING and RESPECTFUL you are of where ever I am in any of my struggles. You have been unwaivering in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and SUPPORT. That to me is crucial in trusting to go where I fear. You are very INTUITIVE and have a wonderful way of expressing what is coming to you. And you can read people very well and TRANSLATE or REFLECT back what it is I’m trying to express. I feel understood and comfortable to open further. And in that I find you CLEAR, STRONG and CARING. Your COMPASSION is always front and center!

V.N., Langley BC

Just wanted to thank you again for the amazing healing session you did with me before my ovarian cancer surgery. You really are a clear and powerful channel for healing…- no ego in the session – just pure energy.

I highly recommend you to all my friends, and you are definitely on my top 5 healers list that I’ve ever been to.

I really appreciate your wisdom and clarity. And I appreciate knowing that you’re such a kind, thoughtful and gentle soul on top of your powerful healing abilities.

Thanks again!

Karen, Maple Ridge BC

Well, it’s no secret that I had a great time…It was such an incredible mix of creativity, healing, enlightenment, sharing and vision…(it) did amazing things for my morale. BIG thanks, I enjoyed every minute!!

Diane, Langley BC

Can we bring people into an experience that’s so much bigger than we think we are; that we can experience that level of oneness? Because when you do, there’s nothing more beautiful in this lifetime and this experience. There’s nothing greater than that.

Mikki Willis – The Moses Code DVD